Actual shipping rate is much greater than estimated rate

What does "Actual shipping rate is much greater than estimated rate" mean?

After shipping a package, you may receive the following message:

"The package(s) have been returned to your mailbox for the following reason:

  • Actual shipping rate is much greater than estimated rate.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by replying to this email."

This is due to the actual shipping rate being noticeably higher than the estimated shipping rate Blackship provided you during the shipment process. To avoid overcharging you, the shipping request is canceled and the item is returned to your mailbox.

What to do after receiving this message

If you are OK with the new shipping fee, please try to ship the package again using the same shipping method. The shipment request will go through this time with no issue. Alternatively, you may choose a different shipping method when you ship your package.

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